Are you ready to see how the world’s most innovative and best value producing companies create value? Would you be interested in learning from the best companies in Wall Street?
Sandy Ogg is one of the top gurus in the world in advising companies on how to create and capture value.
If you expect high returns from a half a day development investment, book CEO Summit 2018 to your calendar. Bring your Board and Management team along with you. It will multiply your returns.
VIA Group as a joint-venture partner guarantees your satisfaction.
Tutustu tilaisuuden sisältöön ja aikatauluun tästä.
CEO Summitin osallistujamaksu on 350 € +alv. Jos osallistujia on kolme tai useampia, hinta on 300 € +alv per henkilö. Osallistujahinta sisältää Sandy Oggin uuden kirjan signeerattuna.